








The Suzuka Circuit is a motorsport race track located in Japan. It is known for its unique figure-eight layout and is a popular venue for various racing events. The circuit is owned and operated by Honda Motor Co., Ltd. and is one of the oldest tracks in Japan, with its first race held in 1962. The track is also famous for its challenging corners and is considered a favorite among drivers.
3 laps, 5.807km per lap
Track length: 5.807km
Suzuka Circuit is a motorsport race track located in Japan.
The circuit has a total length of 5.8 kilometers.
It consists of 18 turns and has a total area of 9.9 hectares.
The circuit was designed as a figure eight with the first half containing a series of fast esses and the second half being more technical and challenging.
  • 2/4 Friday practice session for the Suzuka Circuit
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Welcome to Suzuka Circuit, the home of motorsports in Japan.


