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Prestigious entry-level race series

What is Suzuka Clubman...

If you think "I want to race!", the race held at Suzuka Clubman is recommended first. The name Clubman Race itself dates back to 1995, but its origins can be traced back to the Silver Cup Series in 1968, and it has a history of over 50 years as a race series at Suzuka Circuit. Japan's first full-time F1 driver, Satoru Nakajima, also made his race debut in the Silver Cup in 1973, and many drivers from the Chubu-Kinki region can be considered as alumni of the Clubman Race.

The current Clubman Race series includes some races that are held at other circuits, but it is mainly composed of races held at Suzuka Clubman. The fact that the expenses for transportation are low is also a great help for beginners, and it is one of the reasons why Clubman is recommended for beginners.

"Super-FJ", a category that serves as a gateway to Formula racing, "Formula Enjoy" which introduced new vehicles in 2015, and "FIT 1.5 Challenge Cup" where participants use FIT, offer a variety of events. With many people participating, it is easy to obtain information and vehicles, making it a series that is not only for young drivers aiming to become top drivers in the future, but also for "weekend racers" to participate in.


2024 Schedule

February 24 (Sat) - 25 (Sun) Full Course
May 11 (Sat) - 12 (Sun) Full Course
June 15 (Sat) - 16 (Sun) Full Course
October 5 (Sat) - 6 (Sun) Full Course
November 30 (Sat) - December 1 (Sun) Full Course


Race Schedule

Event Category

Entry-level formula car set up as the successor category to FJ1600.
Many drivers aiming to step up to higher categories such as FIA-F4 participate.
FIT 1.5 Challenge Cup
A motorsport introductory category that is held with the FIT one-make and can be easily enjoyed by anyone.
Formula Enjoy
No difficult or tough things, just a "fun formula" for race beginners.
Middle Formula, which is a unique category in Japan following F3, and is a class that has become established in Japan.
The only thing that is one make is the tires, and the selection of the engine and chassis is free, making the total setup of the machine important.
VITA one-make class.
The most popular category with the largest number of participants in the Clubman Series.
Held since 2016 as a step-up class from Clubman Sports.
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