Traffic Education Center TopSafety Driving Training for Companies and OrganizationsPublic PlanEmergency Vehicle Driving Basic Course

Emergency Vehicle Driving Basic Course

Emergency Vehicle Driving Basic Course

Learn the basics of emergency vehicle driving through practical training and classroom lectures.

Main Target

  • Medical / Gas / Water / Electricity / Communication personnel with little experience in driving emergency vehicles.
  • From now on, those who may drive emergency vehicles due to business expansion or personnel changes.
  • From now on, those who will perform emergency runs as emergency medical technicians or doctor card drivers, and those who have little experience in such runs.


<1st day>10:15-19:00 <2nd day>9:00-15:30


20 people


61,600yen (tax included)


Suzuka Circuit Traffic Education Center
Course Features
  • Learn about emergency driving for safe and reliable arrival at the scene, including relevant road traffic laws and driving skills.
  • Train how to communicate with surrounding vehicles through simulated emergency driving.
  • Learn how to guide vehicles in a limited environment.
    For the purpose of emergency driving, we use passenger cars that are easy to operate.
  • Confirm your basic characteristics through the driving aptitude test (OD style).
  • Confirm the possibility of accidents related to emergency vehicles.
  • Experience emergency driving in an actual vehicle and confirm the risks and their countermeasures for special execution.
  • Confirm vehicle guidance and communication between drivers, taking into account narrow parking spaces and traffic congestion.
Takeaway Materials

Driving aptitude test results, training sheet, laws and practical texts for emergency vehicles, safe driving learning texts, completion certificate

Application Method